In this article i am going to explain about how to change the row color of a particular row in grid view based on the particular condition to differentiate the rows. For explanation purpose i have created a table called Employee in my local database and inserted 10 sample records. And also i have created a procedure called GetEmployeeDetails which will return all the details of the employee tables. below is the sql script used. CREATE TABLE Employee ( Id INT IDENTITY PRIMARY KEY, EmployeeName VARCHAR(100), Department VARCHAR(100), Designation VARCHAR(100), JoinedDate DATE, Salary INT ) GO INSERT INTO Employee(EmployeeName,Department,Designation,JoinedDate,Salary) VALUES('Employee-1','Development','Trainee','2009-06-01','10000') INSERT INTO Employee(EmployeeName,Department,Designation,JoinedDate,Salary) VALUES('Employee-2','Design','Web Developer','2014-06-01','20000') INSERT INTO Employee(EmployeeNa...