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Showing posts from February, 2015

Convert Dataset Datatable or GridView to XML in ASP.Net using C#.Net or VB.Net
How to use WriteXml() in C#.Net or VB.Net

In this tutorial i am going to explain about how to convert dataset datatable or gridview into xml document in Asp.Net using C#.Net & VB.Net or How to use WriteXml() in C#.Net or VB.Net. It is achieved using DataTable.WriteXml() method in the System.Data namespace.

How To Show Tooltip On Mouse Hover In Gridview in Using jQuery in ASP.Net C#.Net & VB.Net

In this tutorial i am going to explain about how to show tooltip On Mouse hover in gridview in ASP.Net , C#.Net & VB.Net using jQuery.

SQL Script to drop multiple tables,procedures at once in sql server

In this article i am going to explain about how to drop multiple tables,procedures or functions at once. Sometimes we supposed to drop multiple tables. For explanation purpose i have created two tables namely testtable1 and testtable2 and i have created two procedures namely GetTestTable1 and GetTestTable2. Now i will explain the syntax and the query used using this two tables and procedures. Below is the sql script used to create the sample.

Convert Dataset Datatable To Json Data Array in Asp.Net C#.Net & VB.Net or How To Use JavaScriptSerializer to Convert Datatable to Json Data Array

In this tutorial i am going to explain about how to convert dataset datatable to json data array in & or how to use JavaScriptSerializer to convert datatable to json data array

Highlight,change color of row on mouseover in grid view using CSS - C#.Net ASP.Net VB.Net

In this article i am going to explain about how to highlight/change color on mouse over in grid view using CSS. This is achieved by setting the different class on mouseover and mouseout event on the datarow of gridview. This can be acieved using the OnRowCreated event of the gridview.

C#.Net - Programmatically Group Gridview Column Headers in ASP.Net,VB.Net

In this tutorial i am going to explain about how to programmatically group gridview column headers to give specific titles to the columns. In my previous article i have explained about  How To Convert JSON Data Into Html Table Using Javascript jQuery , Upload multiple files in C#.Net VB.Net / Maximum Request Length Exceeded , Change Row Color of a Grid view Based on Particular Condition C#.Net ASP.Net VB.Net , Fill Datatable and Bind GridView Using Data Reader in ASP.Net C#.Net VB.Net , how to get the selected values from checkboxlist in C#.Net and VB.Net , how to implement option group in drop down list , ASP.Net - Bind Array To DropDownList in C#.Net,VB.Net.

How To Convert JSON Data Into Html Table Using Javascript jQuery

In this tutorial i am going to explain about how to display the json data into html table using javascript & jquery. For explaining how we convert the json data into html table using javascript & jquery we have created a json file that contains the below json data. data.json: [ {"Model" : "Iphone 18", "Name" : "iOS", "Share" : 57.56,"Price Range":"$800 - $1000","Brand":"Apple"},  {"Model" : "Nexus 23", "Name" : "Android", "Share" : 24.66,"Price Range":"$600 - $800","Brand":"Samsung"},  {"Model" : "Tom-tom", "Name" : "Java ME", "Share" : 10.72,"Price Range":"$200 - $900","Brand":"X Brand"}, {"Model" : "Nokia 66610", "Name" : "Symbian", "Share" : 2.49,

Upload multiple files in C#.Net VB.Net / Maximum Request Length Exceeded

In this tutorial i am going to explain about how to upload multiple files in, and vb.Net with out using any library. With the introduction of html 5 it is possiblt to upload multiple files at once by setting AllowMultiple attribute of FileUpload control in But the drawback in this solution is it will work only in ASP.Net 4.5+ Frameworks and browsers that support html5 i.e. IE 10+, FireFox and Chrome. For the explanation purpose i have included a FileUpload control with AllowMultiple property set to true. And i have a button control btnUploadFiles with click event handled by the event handler btnUploadFiles_Click. And i have a literal called ltrMessage to show the error/status messages. At first the files will be selected and then while clicking on the Upload File button it will start uploading to the specified folder mentioned in the code (here it is file folder) and then it will show the no of uploaded files to server in the literal. Below is the html m

Change Row Color of a Grid view Based on Particular Condition C#.Net ASP.Net VB.Net

In this article i am going to explain about how to change the row color of a particular row in grid view based on the particular condition to differentiate the rows. For explanation purpose i have created a table called Employee in my local database and inserted 10 sample records. And also i have created a procedure called GetEmployeeDetails which will return all the details of the employee tables. below is the sql script used. CREATE TABLE Employee ( Id INT IDENTITY PRIMARY KEY, EmployeeName VARCHAR(100), Department VARCHAR(100), Designation VARCHAR(100), JoinedDate DATE, Salary INT ) GO INSERT INTO Employee(EmployeeName,Department,Designation,JoinedDate,Salary) VALUES('Employee-1','Development','Trainee','2009-06-01','10000') INSERT INTO Employee(EmployeeName,Department,Designation,JoinedDate,Salary) VALUES('Employee-2','Design','Web Developer','2014-06-01','20000') INSERT INTO Employee(EmployeeNa

Fill Datatable and Bind GridView Using Data Reader in ASP.Net C#.Net VB.Net

In this article i am going to explain about how to fill the datatable using datareader and bind that datatable to gridview. Datareader is read only forward only way of reading data. Compare to dataset datareader is fast in terms of reading data. To fill the datatable using datareader DataTable.Load() methaod is used in that datareader object is passed as the argument. Create a new application and add a grid view in to display the details from the students table. Below is the html code used. Fill Datatable Using Data Reader For explanation purpose i have created a table called student and inserted some sample records. Below is the script used to create table and insert record into table. CREATE TABLE Students ( Id INT IDENTITY PRIMARY KEY, Name VARCHAR(100), Class TINYINT, Section CHAR(1), JoinedDate DATE ) GO INSERT INTO Students(Name,Class,Section,JoinedDate) VALUES('Student-1',10,'A','2009-06-01') INSERT INTO Students(Name,Class,

how to get the selected values from checkboxlist in C#.Net and VB.Net

In this article i am going to explain about how to get the selected values from checkboxlist in C#.Net and VB.Net. I have a CheckBoxList in my form called chkMonths to display the available months. I want the the order of display should be horizontal. So i set RepeatDirection property value to Horizontal. And i want 3 columns per row so i set the value of RepeatColumns property to 3. I have a button in my form while clicking on it it will get all the selected months and display it below the button. Below is the html markup of the same. January February March April May June July August September October November December While clicking on the button i am looping through all the list items in the checkboxlist and i am checking whether it is selected. If it is selected then i am appending the text of that listitem to a string along with a comma at

how to implement option group in drop down list

In my previous article i have explained about Bind Specific Columns Of Datatable To Gridview In C#.Net, ASP.Net . In this tutorial i am explaining about how to implement option group in drop down list. In html select list option group is used to group the similiar items. But in dropdown list we don't have that option. But we can achieve this with the help of jQuery. Dropdownlist is a control used to show list of values from that the user can select one value.