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Showing posts from August, 2015

Compare Data Tables Using LINQ Union, Except and Intersect

In this post i am going to explain about how to compare two datatables using  Union, Except and Intersect LinQ operators.

Asp.Net - How to Create Dynamic Pages & Url With C#.Net,VB.Net

In this tutorial i am going to explain how to create dynamic pages with unique urls for each page. Before proceeding to explain the process of creating dynamic page i would like to explain what is mean by dynamic page so that you will understand better.

Asp.Net Serialization & Deserialization with C#.Net and VB.Net

While sending data (objects) over the network the need for serialization arises. The reason is our network infrastructure and hardware understands bits and bytes but not the objects. In this tutorial i am going to explain how to serialize and deserialize data without using any third party libraries i.e. using Serialize() method in the JavaScriptSerializer() static class in System.Web.Script.Serialization namespace provided by the .Net Framework itself.

How To Use HTML5 DataList Control

As a develop we are very familiar with the html controls. Now in html 5 many new controls has been added to the existing collection. HTML5 DataList is one of the type in the new collection. I am going to explain about what is datalist control and how to use datalist control in our projects.

Asp.Net DataTable Manipulation - Add, Update,Delete & Sort DataTable in C#.Net & VB.Net

In the developer's life it is very common to come across the datatable manipulation. So here i have decided to explain the datatable manipulation like adding records to datatable, editing and updating datatable records,deleting records from datatable based on the condition and finally sorting datatable based on columns.